Refund and Returns Policy


Returns and Refunds

  • Products that have been altered in any way are not eligible for returns, replacements, or refunds.
  • No return or refund for installed products.
  • Samples and Special Order items cannot be returned or refunded.
  • You are responsible for return shipping costs unless we shipped you the wrong product.

RETURNS & REFUNDS for change of mind 

Marble Basics takes great pride in our reputation for quality.

We will provide you with a refund for any reason if you notify us and despatch your return within 7 days of delivery, return requests after this period will not be accepted. Please read the below terms carefully as orders that are returned for refund that do not meet this criteria will not be refunded.

*Sale products and products purchased with a discount code or coupon are final sale. Refunds and returns cannot be made on sale or discounted products. 

To be eligible for a refund, items must be returned with the following criteria:

  • the goods are in saleable condition (not used or have any signs of use)
  • the goods are returned within 7 business days of receipt of delivery; and
  • the original invoice/pick slip as proof of purchase is provided marked with ‘return’
  • the goods are in original gift boxes that are undamaged (not torn, ripped or broken in any way) and packaged appropriately in the same nature your order was sent to you
Returns or exchanges will be deemed void if the items arrive back to Marble Basics in inappropriate fragile packaging and arrive broken. Please see ‘Return Shipping’ below 
  • Once your order arrives safely back to our warehouse and qualifies in line with the above terms, Marble Basics will refund the price of the product/s and will not refund original shipping charges if applicable, or any return shipping costs

RETURNS & REFUNDS for damaged/faulty product

On the very rare occasion that items arrive broken, we will promptly arrange either a refund or replacement if possible. If goods are damaged or faulty, we will provide you with an exchange/refund at our discretion for items only where:

  • photographic evidence has been provided of the broken item in the box
  • photographic evidence has been provided of the faulty or damaged product
  • are faulty (unless caused by you)
  • have been wrongly described
  • are different to the goods that you ordered (does not include colour or size variation, or the unique qualities of marble as a natural material, or natural qualities of any material as specified on our website)
  • all returns must be returned to Marble Basics within 7 business days to be eligible for an exchange/refund. Return requests after this period will not be accepted. Please contact us with your issue prior to returning items to our warehouse
  • Marble Basics will reimburse any reasonable shipping costs if the order is required to be sent back to our warehouse for an exchange as agreed by Marble Basics
  • Marble Basics will refund original shipping costs if the faulty item is returned for a refund and the item is not being replaced


Need help?

Contact us at {} for questions related to refunds and returns.